PINTEREST: Pinterest is a versatile, easy-to-navigate online pin board tool that displays visuals and text linked to websites. I created a 'pin' on representation of social groups.
I used Pinterest so I can look at the style of our characters and what they would wear and how they would act, what age group they are in. By using Pinterest I can look up these photos and create a pin about the character development and then write underneath about the images. 

BLOGGER Blogger hosted all my other new technologies at the research and planning stage. As a multi-media social networking tool it allowed me to collate, archive, display and create research and planning with images, videos, sound files and posts that I could share with my group. It hosted all my other presentational tools, from Emaze to Slideshare. Later, I used it for feedback (adding my work in progress) and evaluation of my finished work (on YouTube).  It is easy to use and very versatile. My blog is the hub of all my production work. I used blogger because I had to see what to do next for my planning for my film for research. 
I created a media based Twitter account, by using this type of social media I can follow people who work in the industry and see all the latest news and films and feedback. This helps us because we can see what film producers and distribution companies are saying.  

WHATS APP I used What'sApp to keep in touch when planning with my group. We used WhatsApp as part of our character development to interview our characters and the film.

   Here is the Pinterest that I made for the representation of social groups in our film. They are images that I found with descriptions underneath.
I used Trello to plan what I was going to be doing for our film and it makes a list that we can tick off. Here is a screenshot of my post of my Trello list.


We used this social media to contact each other whenever we had an idea about our film.  This way we can be ready and prepared for it before we got to the lesson.

We used our mobile phones to keep in contact with each other. We also took photos on our phone of our set and what we would use before filming so we have an idea of what everything will look like.

1 comment:

  1. You have used a variety of new technologies confidently.
