Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When we made our preliminary task, we didn't have to do any research into what we were going to make, as it was only a few scenes. However when it came to our film we had to do weeks of planning and research to get the final outcome. Our group decided we wanted to make a thriller/horror film. To get the best idea we looked at recent films with the same genres such as 'Eloise' and 'Ouija'. To find these films we mainly looked on Youtube or Google, but on some films 'Cabin in the Woods' we looked at on 'Art Of The Title'.

Here is a screenshot of our preliminary task, which is posted on another blog post.

To see my other art of titles analysis they are on my blog posts. Although not all of my analysis's are not on thriller/horror films, I did look at movies like Skyfall, which gave me better understanding at what camera angles you can start to use. The opening of a film also should be clear to the audience what genre of the film is, which is what we tried to accomplish in our film.
We have had to make a pinterest pin on 'representation of social groups'. This also shows how relevant it was to our film opening.
Our film opening required a huge amount of planning. First of all we had to create storyboard. We had to do simple drawings of what each scene would look like. This made the filming much easier as we had a clear plan of what we were going to film 
We also created a Trello shot list, with each thing we need to do during planning and then once we do it we can tick it off on the list. 
When we were filming our preliminary task we used different camera angles like over the shoulder shots, tracking shots, and close up shots. When we filmed our opening we used a wider range of camera angles, using extreme close ups which changed focus half way through, and more tracking shots. We also used a tripod to keep the camera still so it wouldn't shake. Overall I have learnt a lot since about using a camera since the preliminary task. 
The final part of our film was to get all the scenes together and edit them in iMovie. One member of our group was very good at editing so they did the majority of it. But in our film I have managed to edit the ident. Using this software was easy to use and make me confident when editing for the first time. 
Here are two different ways I made the idents, one was making a gif via a free internet app. The second ident was made using photoshop, but it is just an image. 

When filming we had to try and control natural lighting, and make props including the ouija board, and bring in costumes. We also had to bring in little tea lights and matches to light them.
Overall I have learnt a lot about film making since our first preliminary task, this including editing and different angles, and about how to research to an extreme length.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your production company ident. You have made a good start learning about film making.
